Autism Schools In Tampa FL: LiFT Academy

Autism Schools In Tampa FL

LiFT Academy is one of the top autism schools in Tampa FL that offers a comprehensive and unique educational environment to students with autism. 

LiFT Academy the best Autism schools in Tampa, FL for exceptional education and support

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Founded on January 9, 2013, LiFT Academy has evolved and grown into a leading institution of autism education. The founders of the school and a dedicated team of educators and professionals worked tirelessly to build a supportive, inclusive learning environment for students with autism.

LiFT Academy, one of the top autism schools in Tampa FL, has a mission to provide students with autism a comprehensive, individualized education which fosters their academic and social development, independence and self-advocacy. The school’s program is designed to meet the individual needs of every student, and provides a curriculum which promotes academic and personal growth.

The success of LiFT Academy is evident in the achievements of its students. Many of them have pursued careers, attended college and are now active members of their community. The school’s dedication to creating a nurturing and supportive environment has helped students develop self-esteem and a feeling of belonging.

LiFT Academy is constantly innovating and expanding its services and programs to meet the changing needs of students with Autism. Its emphasis on individualized learning, its specialized programs and highly-qualified staff have made the school the first choice of families in the Tampa Bay region who are looking for the best education and support possible for their loved one with autism. With its dedication to comprehensive support and individualized instruction, LiFT has become one of the leading institutions for autism education in Tampa.

What Is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is a concept that believes neurological differences such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia and others are not disorders or diseases but rather natural variations within the human population. This concept recognizes that neurological differences are part of human diversity and should be valued and respected.

The concept of Neurodiversity stresses that people with neurological differences shouldn’t be stigmatized or judged for their differences, but should instead be accommodated and celebrated. It acknowledges that people with neurological differences are unique and have special abilities. These differences can be a source of innovation and diversity in society.

Neurodiversity, a concept relatively new to the last few decades, is an emerging idea. The social movement has gained momentum in recent years, promoting acceptance and celebration of neurological differences. Proponents of neurodiversity argue that traditional approaches to neurodivergent individuals, such as viewing them as “broken” and needing fixing, can lead to harmful practices such as institutionalization, segregation, and unnecessary medical treatments.

Neurodiversity advocates call for an inclusive and accommodating environment that respects and recognizes the unique strengths and needs of neurodivergent people. This includes creating more accessible workplace and educational settings, offering accommodations like assistive technology and promoting understanding of neurological differences.

The concept of Neurodiversity acknowledges that neurological differences, whether they are physical or mental, are part of human experience. All individuals should be respected and valued, regardless of how their brains work.

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Autism Schools In Tampa FL

What LiFT Academy Offers

Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects social interaction, communication and behavior. Many parents of children with ASD struggle to find schools that are able to meet their child’s specific needs. You’ve found the best place to find the best autism schools near Tampa, Florida.

LiFT Academy has a reputation as one of the top autism schools in Tampa. And for good reason. LiFT Academy offers a specialized and unique educational environment that encourages academic and social development, independence and self-advocacy for students with Autism. We provide a variety of technical programs to meet the needs of students with Autism. LiFT Academy offers a range of programs that address every aspect of a child’s academic journey, from early intervention programs to prepare preschoolers for college.

LiFT Academy has a highly trained staff that is experienced and qualified to work with students who have autism. The team consists of Board-Certified Behavior Analysts(BCBAs), Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and others professionals that work together in order to provide a comprehensive and collaborative approach to education.

Our program, as one of the top autism schools in Tampa FL, teaches students essential life skills to help them achieve independence and self advocacy. These skills include social interaction, communication, self-care and vocational training. Our facilities have been designed specifically to meet the needs and requirements of students with Autism. The classrooms have been designed to be sensory-friendly, and are equipped with the latest technology for learning. There are outdoor areas for recreation and physical activity.

Contact LiFT Academy, One Of The Best Voted Autism Schools In Tampa FL Now!

LiFT Academy, a developmental disabilities school, was founded on January 9, 2013. Its mission is to empower and inspire people with neurodiversity so that they can learn, thrive and achieve. We aim to create a level playing field for people with neurodiversity and learning differences. Our learners receive exceptional academics, career training and life skills. We also provide opportunities to build meaningful relationships and strengthen social skills. We are passionate about ensuring that every student learns to appreciate and celebrate their differences. It is equally important that each student respects the differences in others.

LiFT Academy is a culture that values teamwork, collaboration and dedication to improving the lives of others. We are motivated by the desire to serve students, families and community. LiFT aims to be thought-leaders in the field of neurodiversity and exceptional education. We are looking for individuals who share our values and mission, and believe in community and the power to improve the world.

Does your child identify with the following neurodiversity?

Then contact us today to learn more about the benefits of LiFT Academy or to get started on the enrollment process at our established neurodiverse school. You can reach us by phone, or Email.

Have Any Questions? Ready To Enroll?

Or Call Us At 727-258-7659 We’re Ready To Help