Welcome Letter

Shawn Naugle

Executive Director


Dear Families,

As the Executive Director, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our family! LiFT is an acronym for Learning Independence for Tomorrow and encompasses both our K-12 program, LiFT Academy, and our post-secondary transition program, LiFT University Transition Program. We have a passion that each student come to value and view their diversity as a gift to be celebrated. Equally important is for each student to respect the differences found in each other. Our mission is to inspire and empower people with neurodiversity to learn, thrive, and succeed. We want students of all abilities to develop to their fullest potential!

We are committed to creating a safe and positive learning environment where staff and students promote and model responsible, respectful behavior in order to provide each student the best learning opportunity. As an educational team, we at LiFT are dedicated to academic excellence and holding high expectations to ensure that each and every student with autism, ADHD, and other varying abilities will be successful learners. Students receive small group instruction that focuses more in depth on the skill being taught to ensure that students understand the topic before moving on. Class size is limited to sixteen students in all grade levels. Accommodations are put into place for every student to experience success in his/her learning. Our dedicated staff works diligently to meet the individual needs of all students and maintain personal connections with their families.

Organization is a must for all of our students, beginning in Kindergarten and carried through our LiFT University Transition Program. LiFT provides weekly feedback to parents and students by utilizing Renweb, an online school management program. Families are able to log in to find out their homework for the upcoming week, check attendance and grades. We send out quarterly progress reports and report cards through Renweb as well. In addition, students are taught how to keep organized through a folder and binder system, reinforced through weekly teacher checks.

Along with academic achievement, LiFT is equally committed to helping our students to become responsible compassionate citizens of their community, advocating for their needs. LiFT has a zero bullying tolerance and we teach our students how to advocate for themselves. We teach our students to be kind and take a stand against bullying. Learning to communicate effectively helps to build self-esteem and confidence. While you don’t have to like everyone, you must be respectful to everyone. Often students find learning to be a friend is easier once they learn respect. And from respect come friendship, understanding, and acceptance of others and ourselves.

We aspire that LiFT to be the model for children’s education and success throughout our community, our state, and our nation. We plan to offer bold, innovative solutions through enhanced community partnerships, increased services, and more available options for our students and their families. Personally, I would like to encourage and welcome all to join the LiFT Family, where together we will do amazing things.

Feel free to give us a call and come in for a tour. Find out if LiFT is the right fit for your student and your family.


Shawn Naugle

Shawn Naugle
Executive Director