Transition Program

LiFT University Transition Program

LiFT University Transition Program (LiFT U) is a post-secondary program that was established to meet the needs of young adults with neurodiversity. The program offers students a unique and highly individualized opportunity to further their education while developing the skills necessary to live their best life independently. 

LiFT U promotes four pillars of success


Social &
Emotional Skills

Independent Living Practices

Career Preparation
& Employability

LiFT U Students

Our students enhance their classroom training with on-the-job skills, developed through internships. These learning experiences provide each student with an opportunity to explore career choices that align with their skill sets, talents and interests.

Ultimately students will learn how to meet daily life challenges independently and with confidence, becoming productive, successful citizens in our community.

All families must sign up online through the FACTS Tuition Management System for tuition payment options.